Professional Brewing Consulting Services
We understand the reality, the highs and lows of brewery building, operations, and management. You now have proven support.
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Exclusive Partner: Pro Brewing Equipment
KMB Consulting
Kissmybrew Consulting is pleased to offer the next level of service.
With a Master Brewer as part of our team, we now offer professional consulting services.
All services and fees are tiered to fit your specific needs. Consultations will be held virtually, and as the environment stabilizes, on-site visits are possible.
Brewers inevitably encounter problems and need a hand sorting them out. We are here for you.
You’ll find us competitive and amenable to each brewer’s personal need.
About our Master Brewer and Partner
Jonas Rembert started homebrewing in 1992. From 1997-2006 was a prominent voice and pioneer of the Asheville beer scene.
His professional experience began at Green Man in 1996 and French Broad Brewing Company in 2000, both in Asheville, NC. The founder, brewer, and later Master Brewer of both.
Jonas acted as general contractor, holding 10 years-experience of brewery assembly and operation. Elements included site upfit, plumbing, gas, boiler install, wiring, equipment install, and carpentry. He never failed a city inspection.
He also holds an MBA, broadening the scope of his business knowledge adding breadth and depth to his business concepts and metric applications.
Learn more about Jonas’s history and street cred here, from the Mtn. Express, Asheville, NC.
Disclaimer: images contain Jonas fresh off the plane and literally headed to the Taiwan beaches for the first time.
Our customers are talking about us
“In the hyper-competitive industry of craft brewing startups must move quicker and more diligent than ever before, the risk is tremendous thanks to the rapidly changing landscape. There isn’t much room for trying something from the seat of your pants unless you just love risk. This is where Kiss My Brew (KMB) and Jonas comes into play. From business plan, financial modeling, risk analysis, workflow adjustment, and even those words of encouragement or that check and balance you will not be disappointed in your decision to work with KMB.
TCB honestly would not be positioned where it is today if it wasn’t for the likes of pioneers in the space and you can’t get much better than a pioneer from the mecca of Asheville, NC. Jonas brings a tremendous wealth of knowledge from all areas of the business as well as partners from engineering to marketing. The communication has been way beyond expected and helps to provide an avenue to areas not previously imagined even as serial entrepreneurs.
With our over 40-page business plan and dynamic financial models, TCB feels confident that it has a firm foundation to be prepared for the risk, and the tools needed for success thanks to Jonas and KMB’s guidance. If you want to partner with someone that really cares about your success and is there to help you in this journey, then Jonas and KMB is the place. Prost to all our (TCB/KMB/Your) success!”
Brant N. Traveling Circus Brewing Co.
“Jonas Rembert has an immense talent for finding innovative solutions to brewery problems. He has a big picture view of the brewing industry and the intuition to navigate through the challenges related to equipment, finances, staff, time, and space which are unique to each brewery. His vast experience and understanding of the brewing process is a luxury that I benefit from each time I have a conversation with him. There is nobody I trust more to consult with when it comes to increasing efficiency or capacity in my brewery.”
Tim Smith, Black Drongo Brewing Co.
Summary: Services We Offer
We offer 5 types of services:
1) Daily operational support
2) Business Plans – Valuation – Growth
3) Helping nano to small pubs or packaging breweries survive and compete (100 – 3,000 bbls.)
4) Small micro-brewery ops services (3,000 – 10,000 bbls.)
5) Valuation: for investors and bank loans
1) Daily operational support
Video conferencing:
Production processes refined
- Streamline work flow, eliminate wasted motions.
- Create a mind-set of simultaneity in production tasks
Detailed step-by-step written instruction
- Document processes and codify SOP.
- Evaluate and refine cleaning, maintenance and production processes.
Recipes: Market tested from Jonas’s commercial breweries
- We know each brewer is proud of his work.
- Good beer is often not good enough anymore, one needs superlative product.
- My ten years in the brewhouse will guide you to your Promised Land.
- I’ve produced over 20 commercial styles including Lager, Belgians, and aged sour
Tiered Needs and Support
Serving essential ongoing needs
- Temporary tech issues
- Things break, you need input fast. Power outages, temperature spikes, broken coolers.
- Process Problem solving
- Mashing, fermenting, conditioning, clarifying: any aspect of production, we’ve done it
Intermediate operation needs
- Observe and streamline workflow
- This is about cutting waste, time materials, and equipment.
- The goal is to balance the line.
- Identify and rectify bottlenecks
- A bottleneck is just that, a narrow space that slows down everything, and in the end, revenue.
- We help identify and find a multiple approach solution.
- Balance production line (eliminate wasted motion)
- Integrating true operations management approach to production.
Advanced operation needs
- Equipment procurement and set-up
- Our industry partners are at the top of the game, with 29-years experience.
- Isolate and solve product issues (infection, instability, clarity, formulation)
- All aspects of formulation and production are intertwined. We will help pinpoint problems and refine processes.
- One of our partners offers quality control products for brewers without a
2) Business Plans – Valuation – Growth
- Complete business plans on how to open a nano or micro-pub.
- Developing or refining business prospectus: cash flow, loans, depreciation, payroll, taxes
- Operations, procurement, installation
- ATF, State, and local licensing, detailed
inspections - Choose subsections specific to your needs
- ATF, State, and local licensing, detailed
→ Here’s an example of business plan (PDF) we can help you to produce.
Select specific aspects needed: Business Plans
1 st tier:
- Select the elements which will shore up your plan.
- Pinpoint areas which need clarity for expansion or financing.
2 nd tier:
- This will help define specific broad direction of the brewery.
- Also used for financing or expansion, many great projects opened with great talent and skill, but sparse planning.
3 rd tier: includes all, A – Z: start-up through operation
- Geared for start-ups
- This is the assembly of a formidable plan, with metrics and analysis to cover each critical angle of start-up, construction, licensing and production.
Choose options:
3) Equipment Acquisition, Custom Fabrication

- Exclusive partnership with Applied Beverage Tanks Inc. – ABT
- Professional relationship for 20 years
- We are a direct line to their office
- Founded in 1992, Chicago, IL
- All ABT brewhouses and brewery tanks are built under contract overseas according to their proprietary engineering designs, North American and European quality control standards.
- Their own quality control inspectors carefully inspect the order, every tank and brewhouse weld prior to shipment.
- Knowledgeable in all aspects of operations and mechanical needs
- All brewing equipment and ancillary equipment sourced and provided
- From Nano systems to 50 bbl. production brewhouses, breweries built to your custom need. Designed specific to you.
- Contact us for a quote.
- Contact ABT directly, use buyers code Jonas@KMB.
- As your agents however, our service will be faster, the price exactly the same.
4) Helping nano to small pubs or packaging breweries survive and compete (100 – 3,000 bbls./year)
- Packaging with little to no retail space
- Small scale, economical solutions
- Table-top and self-made options
- Increase revenue with stalled demand
- Building marketing strategy
- Identify Market Segment
- Streamline workflow: eliminate bottlenecks
- Increase plant efficiency
- Save wasted motion
- Strategy for investment and funding
- Plan for fundraising and capital improvements
- Support for brewers who need solutions now.
- Quality control
- Managing yeast
- Reaching chemical consistency without a lab
5) Small micro-brewery ops services (3,000 – 10,000 bbls./year)
These breweries have their unique needs also.
Support can include:
- New Equipment sourcing and installation
- Expansion of retail area or production space
- Critical Production elements: identify and refine work-flow, identify and mitigate bottlenecks
- refine processes, recipes, and staff efficiency
- offer expansion frameworks, business valuation, metrics for future vision
6) Valuation: for investors and bank loans
While true that banks chiefly look at current performance they cannot overlook productive value.
Too many times plants are valued as hard assets only.
- Cost Approach valuation – measures the productive scope of your plant, brand awareness and market placement, uniquely framing vision and expansion.
- Valuation for Sale – stricter emphasis on financials, yet including all aspects of Cost-
Fact: Banks will primarily look at earnings and profits as an indicator of worth.
Fact: Private investors, venture capitalists, and local banks will look at productive scope. This helps fairly represent your capacity to succeed and take on new capital.
→ Here’s an Brewery Value Assessment Sample (PDF – 31 pages) we can help you to produce.